I’m Amber Wendler!

Amber Wendler is currently a PhD student studying tropical birds, but prior to this she interned with the U.S. Forest Service in Alaska where she conducted research on Arctic Terns. These birds have the longest migration of any animal, flying from pole to pole!

Amber hiking on a glacier
Amber hiking at the foot of a glacier.

Amber collected data on Arctic Tern colonies via extensive in-person field observations and remotely monitored cameras to better understand their behavior, reproductive success, and the impacts of human disturbance.

Barrier in front of a glacier with a sign saying “Area Closed Arctic Terns Nesting”.
A bird with a fish in its mouth in front of a glacier.
Two bird eggs on the ground.

Amber has always enjoyed being outside & exploring nature, but she didn’t realize she could make a career out of it until college. As a kid, Amber didn’t see other people who looked like her doing science & she hopes to change that for other Black kids & make STEM more inclusive.

Amber taking a selfie while hiking.
Five kids smiling for a photo with Girl Scouts t-shirts on.
Two girls smiling and posing for a photo in the woods.
A girl smiling in a kayak on a river.

I’m Jackson Osborn!


George W. Gibbs, Jr.